Door Repair Mississauga – Best Price In Mississauga
Is your door not shutting properly? Or does it seem harder and harder to do so?
No worries, give us a call and we will fix it up straight away.

What we Offer:
- Frame jamb repairs
- Door closer installments
- Weather stripping
- Hinge Replacements
- Replace door handles and locks
- 24-hour door repair services
Door Repair for Home
Just as the door catches as some point in its swaying, this we can fix quickly.
Meanwhile, on another point, the matter may seem clear when it really is not.
While complication and frustration arise, at times it might be better to renovate the whole thing.
After new comprehension of the situation, can the proper repairs take place?
Door Repair for Business
Are you in charge of opening another office?
Call us or contact us here to ask about our free estimate!
Exchanging options and then determining a plan that suits both your needs and budget is what we are about.
Following suggestions from our estimate will enable you to receive a 10% discount.
Below, is a list of actions you can choose to take to build up your entrance points, care of Door Repair.
Thinking of Making Improvements?
Contributing additional funds can pay off in the long run with peace of mind.
We can come in and strengthen your doorways with what is already there.
- Bolster your door jamb with an 18″ or bigger strike plate
- Build in more lighting at the entrance
- Introduce door viewers (if applicable)
- Replace regular hinges with 4 hole hinges.
- Place a kick plate to help prevent getting kicked in
All of the above will help deter any unwanted intruders.
Call us at 416-900-0314
Insured and Bonded
You can count on Door Repair Mississauga to deliver the same low rates no matter which day of the week it is.
Our technicians will arrive on time with all of their equipment and supplies.
We take pride in our accomplishments and happy customers.
All work comes with a 90-day guarantee that can be supplied upon request.