Winter car prep tips for safe travels in the GTA

Winter car prep is extremely important in Toronto, the GTA! As well as, up north, in Ontario and Canada nationwide. Winter is fast approaching and all of us that live here know how it can be! Although, winter vehicle preparedness can make a tremendous difference!
Winter Car Prep - Snow tires
Snow tires, by far, are the most important for your vehicle in the winter time, in Canada. Ideally, it is best to get an appointment to change to snows tires, right away! Many tire shops start to get really busy at this time of the year. Call to make an appointment and check the availability of the tires and sizes that you need.
Winter car prep - emergency kit for you vehicle
Food that is easy to open and that won’t spoil, such as energy bars.
Water in a container that won’t crack if frozen. Pure or filter water (Brita) expands less due to less impurities. Dasani and distilled water are great options, also. Replace the water every six months.
Extra boots, socks and clothing such as jackets, sweaters and such.
First aid key and a seat belt cutter. Snowbrush with a scraper and a small shovel.
Perly’s .map and a flashlight. Remember to check and replace the batteries in the flashlight, regularly. Otherwise, a wind-up flash light is an even better option.
Waterproof can or container for matches and small candles.
Trunk Kit for Winter Car Prep
Extra windshield washer fluid and antifreeze. Jumper cables and a tow rope. Road flares and warning lights. Fire extinguisher. Sand, salt or non clumping cat liter. For more information on driving Canadian roads in the winter, check here.
Automotive Locksmith in Toronto
Toronto Locksmith can help you with all your automotive needs and emergencies. Above all, we have a fast response service for car lock out and lost car key emergencies. Call us anytime for Toronto and the GTA.