Holiday Locksmith Service

Holiday Locksmith Service Holiday Locksmith Service means just that, Toronto Locksmith is available over the holidays! The holidays are a time for family and togetherness! Although, sometimes unexpected stresses can occur! Such as, being locked out of your house, business or vehicle or having to deal with a myriad of lock issues. Quickly the holiday […]
Holiday Security

Holiday Security tips from 24/7 Locksmith Tis the holiday season, right around the corner! As always, there is so much that needs to be done and it can get hectic. Preparedness and thorough planning can help make a great holiday for you and your family. Moreover, it can also help avoid any unforeseen issues. Such […]
Camping tips

Camping tips for safety! by Camping Tips for your car Keep your valuables in your vehicle and out of sight. Also, bring jumper cables and a portable starter. Most importantly, keep your remote near you so you can activate the lights or the horn and scare away any animals. Moreover, Toronto Locksmith service can assist […]
Winter car prep

Winter car prep tips for safe travels in the GTA Winter car prep is extremely important in Toronto, the GTA! As well as, up north, in Ontario and Canada nationwide. Winter is fast approaching and all of us that live here know how it can be! Although, winter vehicle preparedness can make a tremendous difference! […]
Bought the lock

Upgrading your home security In this day and age home security has become a very important issue! We get busy in our day to day lives but this is a matter that always needs our attention. Furthermore, there a many new, state of the art, security locks available and on the market these days. Offered […]
Door Security

Door Security Tips from Toronto Locksmith Previous Next Overall, when we think of door security we often focus on the lock and whether is it high-end or high security. Although, there is more to the security of your door than just the lock. Many factors are involved in the security of your door. Such as […]
Locksmith Emergencies

Locksmith Emergencies Locksmith Emergencies can be distressing. Common locksmith emergencies are house lockouts, car lockouts, business lockouts and car keys. Furthermore, a more drastic emergency is a break-in or vandalism. This usually requires police involvement. Although, the emergency or urgency of the matter does have many mitigating factors. Otherwise, many people do get locked in […]
Keyless Car Theft

Keyless Car Theft Keyless Car Theft is happening more often because signals are everywhere, these days. Even our vehicles are signal operated and car thieves are innovative with new techniques and taking advantage of it. Car theft through relay attacks is ever increases in the GTA. Car thieves are using device relay technology to intercept your […]
Why are locksmith so important?

Why are locksmiths so important? In this ever changing world and since the beginning of the lock and key, we have had to secure our home and property from the outside world. Albeit, sometimes things can go awry and the services of a locksmith are required. Locksmiths are valued members of a community that will […]
After hours locksmith

After hours Locksmith Many locksmith services require after hours response due to the nature of the industry! For example, many car lockouts can happen at the most inconvenient times and places. Many in the world today are working late and overnight hours thus causing daytime issues in the evenings or overnight hours. After hours car […]