Keyless Car Theft

location Keyless Car Theft

Keyless Car Theft is happening more often because signals are everywhere, these days. Even our vehicles are signal operated and car thieves are innovative with new techniques and taking advantage of it. Car theft through relay attacks is ever increases in the GTA. Car thieves are using device relay technology to intercept your car key signal and steal your vehicle. Mostly, high-end vehicles are being stolen right out of peoples driveways in the middle of the night! 

Furthermore, if you have a keyless entry and/or start system your vehicle may be ransacked, instead. Moreover, they can enter or steal your car and because the signal was used, the alarm doesn’t go off. Many of us are thinking are vehicles are secure because most of them have an auto-lock, but this new trend can circumvent that quietly and easily. 

How does the relay device work?

Relay devices will hijack you key signal even if the key is inside your house. Most of us leave our keys by the front door. Therefore, your vehicle’s system is tricked into thinking the key FOB is nearby. 

Tips to prevent Keyless Car Theft

Even if your vehicle isn’t on the list for usually stolen vehicles, you will still want to protect it from being rummaged through or ransacked. Possibly having personnel information, loose change or things of value being stolen. What is more, is the invasion of your personnel vehicle. Keep in mind that it is not just car thieves using this tech, but simple thieves checking cars in the middle of the night to see if you have change or valuables in the car. They are making a midnight job out of it!

The best way to avoid or offset this type of situation is to install a sensor light. Perhaps, on the garage top. As well, a camera will work hand in hand with a sensor light getting a better picture of the perpetrator. Thus, scaring them off and avoiding theft, entirely. 

Otherwise, a faraday bag can be purchased to put you keys in when you are home. Although, you can find a faraday bag at a reasonable price the more expensive ones block the key signal, better. If these options are not viable for you, a simple metal box with a metal overlapping lid will help block the signal somewhat. Combine this with moving the keys away from the front door. 

Locksmith Toronto - Automotive Division

Locksmith Toronto offers car lockout, car keys and jammed ignition service for Toronto and the GTA. Moreover, we have a fast response time and 24/7 service. 

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