Car Key Service - lost keys, spare key or no key!

New car key
Many occasions can arise that would require a new car key for your vehicle! Unfortunately, you may have lost your one and only key, at the mall or down a drain sewer. Thus, leaving you stranded where you are and unable to get home. On this occasion, a locksmith can come out on the spot and fashion you a new key! Furthermore, he would be able to handle many types of key requirements, such as; key and remote separate or remote and key combined or a push start system. Most keys for vehicles can be cut and programmed on the spot! Although, the trickier vehicles would include newer models and high-end luxury vehicles.
High-end luxury vehicles
Mercedes, Lexus, BMW and more, may have a dealer only key option. Although, if it’s an older version many of these luxury cars, a locksmith may be able to provide a key. Overall, if you plan to purchase or you own a luxury vehicle, it would be wise to have spare keys made up and available incase of a lost key or a car lockout.
Auction Vehicles
Otherwise, you may have purchased a vehicle at auction, that comes with out a key. Although, not to worry, a key can be cut by a locksmith even for older vehicles. Further, older vehicles have a simpler key system and any locksmith would be able to help!
Toronto Locksmith Service
What’s more and regardless of the type of vehicle, Toronto Locksmith Service, can assist you with a car key and programming or advise you on the best course of action. Our service response time is between 15- 30 minutes! Moreover, we can come directly to help you with many automotive locksmith issues.
Car key made
Ignition jammed/changed
Car lock out
Key reprogrammed
High-end vehicles
Older model vehicle
Key stuck in ignition
Call us now! and we will send a technician, right away!