Lock Installation
Overall, a fresh lock installation to a new door or adding an extra lock involves a lot more work than a simple lock change. Especially, if holes need to be drilled.

Fresh Lock Installation Procedure
Step 1 is to select the type of lock you would like for your new door. Otherwise, for an extra lock installed it is usually a deadbolt. Many new styles of locks are available these days. For example, deadbolt smart locks, fingerprint locks, voice activated or remote access locks. Furthermore, most of the advanced style locks come with cameras. There are many to chose from….the decision is determined by access needs, security concerns and the type of door. Ie. steel, wood or metal.
Step 2 is to prepare the door for installation once the lock is purchased. Also, this may involve re-enforcing the frame. Then forward to measuring and drilling the holes to fit the purchased lock. A locksmith will have the proper and specialized tools to drill the door and get it right the first time, with proper measurements.
Step 3 insert and attach the lock as per manufacturers instructions. Many instruction will have adapted ways of installing depending on the exact needs.
Step 4 install the strike pad and ensure it lines up with the lock. A strike pad will come with many plastic pads so as you can get it to protrude and connect with the lock.
Step 5 secure the lock and test to ensure the it is working smoothly.
Step 6 once the lock is working correctly, attach any extras or handles.
Locksmith Toronto
Locksmith Toronto can come with the fastest response time and in any area of the GTA. Moreover, we can assist with a lock installation DIY gone awry or set you up with a proper fresh lock installation fast and on any type of door.